information provides information to help you
achieve what you want from life, including going into business for
yourself. It can be as simple as
starting a small side business in your home, or realizing that no
matter where you work, you are actually working for yourself. The
time and effort you put in provide lessons and behavior training
invaluable to your future. It is important for
you to understand what is involved in making changes in your life and
earning money with your wits and
There are two warnings you must heed. The first is the fact that
the wealthy, the government, the military industrial complex, and
government supported non governmental organizations are NOT your
friends and do NOT support the independence of American citizens.
What you see on display in the treatment of European citizens by the so
called leaders of their countries is the bullet the colonists helped
you dodge when they threw out Britain and fighting for independence.
The second is to see and understand the tools the
wealthy, the government, the military industrial complex, and
government supported non governmental organizations are using to
brainwash, undermine, disturb and destroy you and your children. They
are nothing more than Despots, and Tyrants that hate you.
books and videos in the links have been viewed by
millions of
people. One of the more widely followed self help books written many
years ago is the Laws to Success, originally in 16 bound volumes and
later condensed to a single book called "Think and Grow Rich", written
Napoleon Hill. The book is based on the idea that self made people
sharing ideas they used to accomplish their goals will help
you. You must think for
and trust in
yourself, as a critical skill. The other books and films all offer ideas and information to get you
going in that direction.
To understand why the original colonies became so successful, you
to think of the people living there at the time.
They were rugged individuals who had to be
very independent and tough to survive and eke out a living in what
back then was a very inhospitable place. No electricity,
gas, motorized anything, farming by hand or with horse drawn
tools, clothes were mainly hand made and there was no running water or
bathrooms, dangerous animals, and it was cold as hell in the north.
luxuries. Throw in the British exploiting them, taking much of
they raised to live on in the form of taxes
which the colonists had no say in their fairness or the impact these
taxes had on their lives, and it is clear why the colonists declared
independence from Britain.
Today, the government's only income is still in the form of taking
money from
you, with numerous taxes, license, fees, and whatever else they can
hide from you, including undermining your economy with debt and out of
control spending.
Also consider the fact that government employees benefiting from
your tax dollars produce or make nothing, and are hired by people
who pay absolutely no price when they overpay them and over reward them
with pensions and benefits you working in the private sector never
see. Adding insult to injury government employees are
difficult if not impossible to fire.
THINK OF IT THIS WAY. If someone hires you and pays you too much
for doing very little, are you going to want them replaced by someone
who is a lot tougher on your performance? What about the illegals
crossing the border, who get free handouts, welfare, temporary work
permits, FREE MEDICAL CARE which you don't get, the right to vote,
and help hiding from deportation. Are you going to want a government to
come in that enforces the law and deports illegal aliens or are you
happy giving away your present and your children's future to help the wealthy, the government, the military industrial complex, and
government supported non governmental organizations take everything from you so they can destroy the independence your forefathers fought and died for?
The elected representatives that represent you
are bribed, paid off, or supported by corporations in the form of
election contributions and who knows what else, and are offered jobs
they leave office, as payoffs for supporting policies that benefit
corporations and screw you. Altogether you have the makings of a
system that was one of the greatest in the world to a system gamed to be
unfair, corrupted, and that fails to live up to the promise the colonists built it to provide.
There is only one way to beat a system that has been destroyed by
breaking all of the checks and balances the colonists set up to protect their new
nation. Besides throwing
the bums out, firing the bureaucrats that suck up your money without
earning it, it is to learn how to work for yourself in one way or another, and use every legal
means you
can find to pay as little tax to the government and their cronies (the
equivalent of the colonial Brits) as you can, before you are eventually
forced to launch
another revolution (Ed: a damn good house cleaning).
The colonists and founders warned you that the
functionaries would corrupt the system, and you can see it in the
courts, the Congress, the Senate, and all of the non governmental
agencies they have
allowed to flourish like poisonous weeds, like US AID and the totally
corrupt Pentagon. But that does not mean
you can't take control of your life now, learn how to earn a living
other than by working for someone else and succeed
at reaching your goals, whatever they may be, and by straightening out
politicians, the courts, and anyone that votes to maintain the status
quo. Eventually you will have to confront them by force if all else fails.
“And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.” - Thomas Jefferson in “The tree of liberty...”
One of the most clear minded thinkers living recently was a Nobel Prize winning genius physicist named Richard Feynman. Feynman saw it this way
The materials below
should provide some insight and knowledge to help you on your journey.